Countdown to a highly skilled IT function
The top 10 actions you need to take to ensure your talent pipeline does not dry up.
View ArticleThe high performance workplace
Working in one office is on the way out, says Ade McCormack, who warns CIOs must compete or collobarate with property management and HR to bring about high performance working
View ArticleThe CIO is a Triathlete
Just like business executives, athletes concentrate on preparation, game-plan and execution,says Ade McCormack, who offers this guide for CIOs to get on top of their responsibilities
View ArticleFive faces of transformation
Being transformational is easier said than done. Ade McCormack give some advice on the practicalities of metamorphosis
View ArticleCIOs are reaching the Summit
CIOs have found their place in the organisation which enables them to do good work regardless of whether they have a key to the executive washroom.
View ArticleBeing a key element of cultural transformation
One of the symptoms of the digital economy is that the small group of early technology adopters is growing rapidly.
View ArticleThe Results-Oriented CIO
Kaoru Ishikawa was a Japanese academic who advanced the notion of quality in part based on the work of the renowned US quality consultant W Edwards Denning. He graphically depicted cause and effects in...
View ArticleBoardroom engagement for CIOs
You are invited to report on IT at meeting of the board. You systematically work your way through the list of items you want to bring to the senior management team’s attention. The last of which is the...
View ArticlePartnership with users can yield genuine business success
They call at the most inconvenient times and have recently taken to determining our IT strategy. Their insatiable desire to own the latest gadgets might be one of the reasons the IT industry has looked...
View ArticleThe five elements of leading the IT function
When it comes to leading the IT function, I believe there are five elements to consider. These are: mobility, social, cloud, trust, and Big Data. So far so boring I hear you say. But let’s expand on...
View ArticleCIOs R&D experience can produce innovative business models
Despite what the business world thinks, the fashion for rapid prototyping is nothing new. CIOs can draw on their own experience to produce innovative business models
View ArticleCIO priorities - What next?
Nobody needs to tell you that being a CIO is not dissimilar to running the operational control room for an Apollo mission. The problem is that your mission is never ending. Worse still, the mission...
View ArticleCommunications are the energy that feeds relationships
As a business leader you too need to exhibit excellent communication skills. Again this must extend beyond task-based fact-related interactions. I meet CFOs who tell me that their only interaction with...
View ArticleMachiavelli meets Alien - Digital role part of CIO 2.0
Fellow CIO blogger Ian Cox wrote a very revealing piece about the CIO-CMO relationship. For me the critical take-away was that the IT function needs to respond to the needs of the marketing function or...
View ArticleCost transparency
Those that pay us typically have very little understanding of what we do. This creates a degree of anxiety because it is not clear to them whether they are paying you too much or allocating too much...
View ArticlePassion as a service and the exemplar Romanian NHS
I recently met the President of Romania's National Health Service. Romania is an interesting place, what with Count Dracula, Nicolae Ceausescu and Vlad the Impaler being high profile 'old boys'. With...
View ArticleBandwidth management and gamifying your own role
Bandwidth, or bandwidth management, is often associated with technology management. As you may be aware my view is that CIOs should be less preoccupied with technology management and more focused on...
View ArticleThe Four Horsemen of the CIO Apocalypse
There are a number of 'horsemen' who if not managed with great care could steer your career into a cul-de-sac. Let's meet them.
View ArticleAre we asking too much of CIOs with our board level expectations?
When it comes to the plight of the CIO the word 'should' tends to be used more than 'is'. There is a sense - admittedly propagated by…
View ArticleDigital scenario planning
Digital is becoming the interesting end of 'IT'; and now that the boardroom has made the connection between profit, service experience…
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